Two Weeks!

 It has officially been more than two weeks since I arrived! I also finished my first week of full teaching! I am settling well into being here and am enjoying my time!

I continue to have fun in the school. I taught a few lessons at the end of the week, including an economics lesson that I did totally on the whiteboard in the room. This was a good way for me to walk students through the lesson step-by-step. I also spent time preparing a detailed history lesson on the Manchurian Crisis. I have not studied that part of history much so it was a lot of fun to research and then teach! This upcoming week, I will be teaching some interesting lessons that I have been planning with the help of my cooperating teachers. Everybody has been wonderful and it is fun to get to know the students in the school as well as more of the teachers.

This weekend, I took some time to rest and recharge before week two of full teaching. Along with planning for another full week of teaching, I have been looking ahead at what I want to see in my time here and making plans about that. I also hand-washed my clothes, took a nice walk with members of my host family, and tried some delicious new foods including egg sandwiches.

I am proud of myself because I was brave about trying a new thing today and went to church here! The church service was longer than what I am used to but it was entertaining. It was a mix of music, and I was there from about 7:30 a.m. until about 10:00 a.m. I went with a member of my host family and it was a wonderful experience to experience worship in another country. This was one of the first places that I've been while here outside of school, so I'm glad that I took the opportunity to go.

I have a full week of teaching this week and am also looking forward to more time at the school. As I am getting settled in, I hope to take more pictures, so I will hopefully have good pictures to include in my next post!


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